We've tried to gather some answers to common questions here. If your question isn't answered, check out Trip Information, or drop us a line!


Hillwalking? In Cambridge?

Yep, it's a bit flat round here, so we drive North (usually) to more interesting environments...

Do I need lots of fancy gear to come on walks?

Not at all! At a minimum we require you to have sensible footwear, warm clothes, waterproofs and a headtorch. We can rent you waterproofs/a torch if you don't yet have your own. See the kit list page for more in-depth info!

I'm not a student! can I still join?

Yes absolutely! Membership of the Club is welcome to any and all. For reference roughly 10-20% of our community are non-students each year, so you definitely won't be alone.

How do I learn about trips?

Trips will be posted on this website before term starts along with when signups will open. We also announce trips and all other events on the mailing list.

How are trips allocated?

You may not get on a trip the first time you sign up - we are almost always oversubscribed. Spaces on a trip are allocated by weighted ballot, with some spaces reserved (at committee's discretion) for walk leaders and drivers. Priority is also given to people who have been waitlisted for trips in the past - so don't give up hope and keep signing up!

How long/far/up/fast do you walk?

It varies! We aim to have at least 4 different walks (or more depending on trip size). These will typically vary from easier, shorter and slower walks for newbies up to more strenuous, longer walks for seasoned hikers. We arrange exact routes on the day, but free to do your research on the area we're going to.

An average walk on a Saturday of a weekend trip is around 15km, takes in about 500-600m of height gain, and takes around 5 hours including a lunch stop (packed lunch, that is...)

I want to lead a walk!

If you know your contour lines from your trig points, great! Talk to the trip lead on the trip or just grab a route card and start planning.

Weekend Trips

Where do we stay and what should I expect?

On weekend trips we stay in bunkhouses and huts. Toilets, heating, showers and a full kitchen are always available unless otherwise indicated. Sleeping arrangements will either be bunk beds or alpine mattresses, in mixed-gender dormitories. You will need a sleeping bag!

What do we do for food?

On Saturday nights we cook together in groups - this is arranged via email in the weeks preceding the trip. If you want to arrange your own food, that's fine too - just be prepared to wait for groups to finish using the kitchen. All other meals are up to you to arrange - the bunkhouse will usually have a microwave and/or stove for breakfast, and we strongly recommend sandwiches or other easily made/stored food for out on the hill!


How do we get to where we're going?

Normally by private or rented cars and people carriers. Less commonly, we may travel by coach or public transport.

Can I drive on a trip?

If you hold a valid licence and happy to host a commitee member on your first drive, the chances are mostly likely yes! See here for more info.

Can I make my own way there?

Yes, but please let us know when you sign up (there's a comments box) so we know to plan for fewer car seats.