Risk Assessment

Description of the activity, equipment or area under assessment: Hillwalking related activities in all seasons, which includes scrambling and fell running, and social events

Site: Outdoors

Significant hazards

What could go wrong

Risk level (High, Medium or Low)

Existing control measures

Further actions

Behaviour and conduct Members misbehaving Low
  • Members agreed to follow the rules stated within the Constitution and Code of Conduct when they sign up.
  • Trips are always led by two experienced members, who act as Trip Lead and Trip Safety.
  • The Club has a trained Welfare Officer.
  • There are complaints and disciplinary processes in place.
Trip participants  Members insufficiently equipped Medium
  • The kit list is provided to all trip participants prior to a trip.
  • The Trip Lead and Trip Safety should check that members have the appropriate equipment prior to leaving for walks.
  • The Trip Lead, Trip Safety and Walk Lead have the power to refuse  members without appropriate equipment from attending walks.
  • Members must fill in their waterproof colours on the route card for safety reasons in case of emergencies.
  • Members can borrow equipment from the Club if they do not own it themselves.
  • The Club always packs spare equipment (waterproofs, head torches, sleeping bags etc) on every trip.
Provide more guidance and advice about kit purchase on the Club website
Trip participants Inexperienced Walk Lead Low
  • A few experienced members are always guaranteed on the trip in order to lead walking groups.
  •  Walk leads have to demonstrate to the Trip Lead or Trip Safety that they are competent in navigation with maps and compasses only.
Trip participants

Poorly planned walk

  • Unless members have demonstrated to the Trip Lead and Trip Safety that they are experienced, no members are allowed to hike on their own. They must sign up to a walking group (maximum 8 people per group) that is led by an experienced Walk Lead.
  • Route cards must be checked by the Trip Lead and Trip Safety prior to departure.
Trip participants

Getting lost


  • Each walking group is led by an experienced Walk Lead who is capable of navigation.
  • Each walking group must have at least one OS map and one compass.
  • In the event of getting lost, Walk Leads should use their judgement to arbitrate decisions to navigate back to the route or to another safe location. 
  • The contact details of the Trip Lead, Trip Safety and a member in Cambridge is provided per trip. Contact them if the walking group requires assistance or are running behind schedule. 
  • Contact Mountain Rescue if necessary.

Trip participants

Members feel uncomfortable on terrain


  • Members are required to own or borrow a headtorch, a phone does not count as a torch.
  • The Trip Lead and Trip Safety should contact the group one hour past the intended return time. If the group is missing for over three hours and contact has not been established, call 999 and request for Mountain Rescue.
Trip participants Group is split up Low
  • Walk Leads should encourage members to make sure that everyone stays together throughout the walk. However, Walk Leads can subdivide their walking groups at their discretion, provided that each subdivided group has an experienced Walk Lead, one OS map and one compass. It should be communicated to Trip Lead or Trip Safety
  • An exception to the above rules is if help is required. Members should not be sent off on their own to look for help or phone signal.
Trip participants Injuries or medical emergencies Medium
  • Members are asked to provide their emergency contact details and relevant medical information prior to the trip.
  • Each walking group is required to carry one Club first aid kit and group shelter of the appropriate size.
  • If emergency services are required, call 999 and request for Mountain Rescue.
The Club will arrange for first aid training with the Sports Services and the Cambridge University First Aid Society.
Trip participants Weather  Medium
  • Refer to the Dynamic Risk Assessment.
Trip participants Hypothermia Medium
  • The kit list requires members to bring warm clothing and waterproofs.
  • The Club will alert members when we are travelling to locations with weather that has a high risk of hypothermia and provide necessary information on early symptoms, prevention and treatment
  • The Trip Lead, Trip Safety and Walk Lead have the power to refuse participation of those who are poorly equipped.
  • Walk leads should encourage members to monitor the conditions of other members and look for early signs of hypothermia. 
  • Use the Club group shelter and survival bag if necessary.
The Club will arrange for first aid training with the Sports Services and the Cambridge University First Aid Society.
Trip participants Sunburns Low
  • The kit list reminds members to pack sunscreen and after sun.
  • The weather forecast is provided to members before the walk.
The Club kit should have at least one bottle of after sun lotion.
Trip participants Ticks and mosquitoes Low
  • The Club will alert members when we are travelling to areas of high risks of ticks and mosquitoes.
  • The kit list reminds members to pack insect repellant.
  • Members should check their skin at the end of each day's walk for the presence of ticks.
  • Tick removal tools can be found within the Club first aid kit.
Trip participants

Heat exhaustion and heat stroke

  • The Club will alert members when we are travelling to locations with weather that has a high risk of heat exhaustion/heat stroke and provide necessary information on early symptoms, prevention and treatment.
  • When there is risk of heat exhaustion/heat stroke on a trip, the first aid kits will include oral rehydration sachets.
  • Walk leads should encourage members to monitor the conditions of other members and look for early signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
  • Members are required to bring at least 1 litre of water on walks, although they are encouraged to bring approximately 2 litres.
  • Members should dress suitably for the weather conditions.
The Club will arrange for first aid training with the Sports Services and the Cambridge University First Aid Society.
Trip participants

Allergic reactions

  • Members are asked to provide their emergency contact details and relevant medical information prior to the trip.
  • For food allergies, when a member with food allergies is on a trip, it will be announced to all trip members and members will be strongly discouraged from bringing foods with said allergen. 
Trip participants

Slip, trips and falls

  • Members are required to have suitable footwear.
  • Walk leads should use experience to suggest how best to cross terrain and arbitrate decisions made to cross said terrain
  • The Trip Lead, Trip Safety and Walk Lead have the power to refuse participation of those who are poorly equipped.
  • The Club has a confidence rope for tricky or loose terrain. 
The Club will train experienced Walk Leads to use the confidence rope.
Trip participants

Snow and ice

  • Same applies to slips, trips and falls.
  • Snow and ice on routes should be clearly indicated on the route card.
  • Members heading out in winter conditions are required to have appropriate winter equipment and training on appropriate usage of said equipment. 
Trip participants

High Winds

  • The Club will check for gale warnings, inform members or cancel trips if necessary. 
  • Trip Lead or Trip Safety will alert Walk Leads of High Winds when reviewing the route and the appropriate escape routes and alternatives will be planned. Crests or any other terrain considered dangerous should be avoided.
  • Refer to the Dynamic Risk Assessment. 
Trip participants


  • The Club will check for flood warnings and cancel trips if necessary.
  • River crossings should be clearly indicated on the route card. 
  • Walk Leads should use their experience to suggest if/how to cross bodies of water or reroute.
  • Swimming on trips should only be done in safe areas and by members who are confident in their own abilities.
  • Members should be aware that no Walk Leads are qualified lifeguards. The decision to enter bodies of water is made completely at the risk of the participant.
Trip participants Struck by lightning Low
  • The Club will check the forecast for thunderstorm warnings and inform members of the risk of lightning, how to detect immediate threats and mitigating actions prior to walks. 
  • The Club will restrict members from heading outdoors when there is a forecast of thunderstorms.
  • If caught in a thunderstorm outdoors, members should immediately head to low-lying locations.
  • If members hear static noises and feel their hair standing, members should squat as low as possible with their hands on knees and head tucked between them, do not lie on the ground or stand underneath trees or conductive surfaces.
Trip participants Struck by rockfall Medium
  • Routes or terrain with high chance of rockfall should be clearly indicated on the route card
  • Inexperienced members should avoid signing up to technical routes.
  • If members dislodge loose rock, they should vocalise it and alert others.
  • When walking beneath cliffs maintain a safe distance to minimise risks of being struck.
  • When scrambling, a mountaineering helmet should be worn at all times.
Trip participants Trapped by tides Low
  • The Club rarely does any coastal walks.
  • The Trip Lead and Trip Safety must check tide timings of the day and set a deadline to return to a defined location.
  • If assistance is required, call 999 and request for the Coastguard.
Trip participants Falls from high places Medium
  • The Trip Safety, Trip Lead and Walk Lead should communicate clearly about the terrain that will be covered to allow members to sign up to a route card that they are comfortable with.
  • Avoid walking near cliffs where possible.
  • On Cliff paths, maintain a safe distance and turn back when in doubt.
  • Refer to the Dynamic Risk Assessment for risks in winter conditions. 
Trip participants Concussion Medium
  • Members must wear a mountaineering helmet whilst scrambling or on icy terrain.
  • If a member is suspected of suffering from a concussion, Walke Lead, Trip Lead and Trip Safety must bring them to a safe location and seek medical help.
  • Members are encouraged to take the concussion training course
The Club kit should include a list of concussion symptoms to look out for.
Trip participants Cattle Low
  • Maintain a safe distance and do not attempt to intimidate cattle.
  • Make sure to close all gates and maintain a safe distance from any electrical or barbed wire.
Trip participants Dangerous Species Low
  • The club will alert members when we are travelling to areas of high risks of adders and plants that cause skin irritations or burns.
Trip participants Dangerous or abusive members of public Low
  • Members should stay together as a group without being separated.
  • The Welfare Policy and Club Constitution should be available to all members with appropriate information on support available to club members. 
Trip participants Drugs and Alcohol  Low
  • Whilst performing hillwalking related activities, the consumption of alcohol and non-prescribed illegal drugs are prohibited.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited. 
Trip participants Food poisoning and water contamination  Low
  • Cooking groups should ensure that meals are fully cooked.
  • Members are encouraged not to drink any water from outdoor sources like streams and ponds.
  • Members are advised not to eat forageables found. 
Trip participants Fire Low
  • The Trip Lead and Trip Safety should include the fire assembly points and escape routes within the trip briefing.
  • When the bunkhouse supplies a wood/coal burning stove, ensure that there is plenty of ventilation.
  • The Trip Lead and Trip Safety are to ensure the kitchen is adequately equipped in the case of kitchen fires. 
Ensure club has fire blanket as part of Club Kit
Trip participants Cooking burns Medium
  • The Trip Lead and Trip Safety should ensure that the kitchen is not overly crowded.
  • Burn gels are provided within the Club first aid kit.
  • Members should indicate if and when cooking has a high chance of resulting in burns. 
Replenish burn gels within the Club kit.
Trip participants Knife Injures Medium
  • The Trip Lead and Trip Safety should ensure that the kitchen is not overly crowded.
  • Plasters are provided within the Club first aid kit.
Trip participants Chemical burns Low
  • Cleaning products can cause skin irritation and burns. Use the gloves provided within the Club kit when handling such chemicals.
Replenish gloves within the Club kit.
Trip participants Theft Low
  • Members should avoid bringing valuable objects on trips. The Club is not responsible for any loss or damage of personal items.
Equipment  Use of personal equipment Low
  • The Club does not hold any responsibilities over the use of personal equipment. Members should check and maintain their own equipment.
  • The Trip Lead, Trip Safety and Walk Lead have the power to refuse members who are poorly equipped from attending walks.
            Equipment  Equipment failure Medium
  • The Club Safety and Equipment Officer should document, inspect, renew and replace any equipment termly, and whenever equipment is taken out for use.
  • All trip members should perform pre-use inspections of equipment.
  • All damaged equipment should be marked and disposed of as soon as possible.
  • All equipment should be stored in a secure location, either at the Club’s store or with a committee member.
  • Refer to the Equipment Rental Policy. 
Equipment  Inappropriate handling of Scrambling kit Medium
  • Members should attend the Scrambling Course or prove to the Trip Lead or Trip Safety that they have the relevant knowledge prior to borrowing the Club Scrambling kit.
Equipment  Inappropriate handling of Winter kit Medium
  • Members should attend the Winters Skills Course or prove to the Trip Lead or Trip Safety that they have the relevant knowledge prior to borrowing Club crampons and ice axes.
Equipment  Manual handling Low
  • When lifting heavy items, members should adopt proper posture to prevent strains.
  • Members should seek assistance when carrying heavy loads especially over rough terrain. 
Equipment  Poor quality of Rental Equipment Low
  • The Trip Lead and Trip Safety should check all equipment that is being rented before use. 
  • All trip members should perform pre-use inspections of equipment.
 Travel Road traffic accidents or breakdown Low
  • The Club should ensure drivers with their own cars have paid for insurance.
  • The Club should buy excess insurance for rental car drivers.
  • Drivers are encouraged to stop at service stations to minimise fatigue.
  • Drivers should contact the Trip Lead or Trip Safety in the event of traffic incidents. 
  • Refer to the Transport Policy. 
Travel Poor driving conditions Medium
  • The Club will inform the driver of the potential conditions of the road prior to the trip and ensure they are comfortable driving under such conditions. 
  • Refer to the Transport Policy
Training Poor coaching Low
  • The Club should only use qualified instructors with good reputation.
Social activities and alcohol Formals and Pub meets Low
  • Members agreed to follow the rules stated within the Constitution and Code of Conduct when they sign up.
  • Social activities will not involve, pressure or promote, unsafe, illegal, degrading or anti-social behaviour or be based on the excessive consumption of alcohol.
  • Anyone who does drink to excess will be supported in returning to their college or residence and someone, who has not been drinking and can monitor their wellbeing, will be informed of their condition.
  • Refer to the Welfare Policy and the Club Constitution. 


Emergency procedures

Action to be taken in case of reasonably foreseeable emergencies (e.g.overheating, loss of electricity, flooding): 

  • Contact emergency services and Mountain Rescue if necessary.
  • If the bunkhouse is inhospitable or there are extreme weather conditions, the trip will be cancelled.

Last updated 2024-09-28