Committee Roles

This is a list of the roles on the committee, with an overview of the main tasks associated with each role. The purpose of this page is to provide information for those who may be interested in applying for a role in a future committee year, or for general interest.


  • General management of the committee – co-ordinating tasks, communicating with everyone, and making sure everything gets done that needs to be done
  • Selecting and booking bunkhouses for weekend and vacation trips
  • Pre and post-trip administration
  • Applying for Society Syndicate funding (Easter holiday)
  • Sitting on the AGTF committee; submitting AGTF applications


  • Compiling regular bulletins, especially in termtime
  • Fresher’s fair – booking table, organising sign ups
  • Keeping the website up-to-date: club calendar, trip reports
  • Maintain safety folder with appropriate paperwork

Transport Secretary

  • Booking cars for the weekends & bus for Edale.
  • Keeping updated the drivers mailing list so as to know which driver is available for when, whether they have their own car or they need a rental car.
  • Buying insurance for the drivers who need it.
  • Basically anything to do with transport, including giving suggested directions to the drivers, which may change according to roadworks, weather conditions and/or type of transport


  • Maintaining the club accounts - paying for everything that we need to pay for; chasing people for money when needed
  • Budgeting for the year in conjunction with the President.
  • Maintaining the club membership database and submitting membership information to the BMC.

Safety and Equipment Officer

  • Maintaining the club kit - keeping an inventory; replacing, washing, repairing or buying new items as and when needed
  • Preparing the club kit before each trip
  • Being Trip Safety Co-ordinator on trips, or allocating this position to someone suitable
  • Organising training courses (eg Navigation, Scrambling, First Aid, Winter Skills)

Social and Welfare Officer

  • Organizing formals, swaps, and other one off events (film night, curry night, whiskey tasting, fire night, garden party...)
  • Making the garden party cake
  • Creating hype for weekly pub meets: particularly welcoming new people
  • The point of contact for any welfare concerns! 
  • Stash: doing stash orders: t-shirts, mugs, pint glasses, fleeces etc. Responsible for current excess stash