Safety Policy

This is designed to show the various safety procedures incorporated into the planning and execution of a club trip. This policy will be made available to all members to make them more aware of the Club's position and responsibility regarding safety. This policy is to be read in conjunction with the Club’s other policies e.g. Transport Policy as appropriate. 

  1. Destinations for trips are chosen appropriate to the time of year (both academic and calendar). In winter locations will be chosen to give options of easier walks which the conditions may necessitate.
  2. When advertising trips, details are given about the nature of the area, terrain, likely walks, equipment/experience that would be advisable. Those lacking items of equipment or with questions concerning the nature of the walking should contact a committee member (particularly the safety officer or president).
  3. Group size will vary in relation to the difficulty of the intended route. The members suggesting a route will decide on a suitable group size.
  4. The committee will check that each route is suitable for the group size and experience, taking into account the current weather conditions. The committee can delegate this to a more experienced member if necessary.
  5. The committee will ensure that there are enough suitable walks available on each trip, especially for less experienced and/or new members.
  6. Route cards for each walk must be filled in properly and left with the committee. On return the committee should be notified if everyone is back safely or otherwise. Route cards include route, estimated time and distance, escape route, details of equipment carried.
  7. The first named person on the route card is responsible for ensuring the route card is filled out appropriately and that the appropriate equipment is carried by the group. The first named person on the route card is not responsible for any member on their route. 
  8. Each member is responsible for his/her own actions and decisions while on the hill. This includes navigation, route choice, turning back, and all other decisions made while on the hill. Each member is also responsible for ensuring that they have the appropriate personal equipment while on the hill. 
  9. No member is responsible for any other member, regardless of experience.
  10. Routes are altered, changed, or abandoned according to changing conditions on the day - inclement weather, fatigue or injury.
  11. Members that have little or no navigational skills are encouraged to acquire some on walks; there is ample opportunity for this to take place.
  12. Each group must be carrying equipment in case of emergency (survival bags, group shelters, torches, first aid kits). The club has a few of the above items to lend out. The committee reserves the right to refuse people with inadequate equipment or experience to undertake walks.
  13. It is the responsibility of the individual to inspect any equipment borrowed from the club, and to ensure they have adequate knowledge in respect of its use. Any problems or issues should be reported immediately to a member of the committee.

This document is complemented by the Mountain Guidelines which give basic advice to members. In summary, it is a question of common sense over taking safety precautions at each stage, to ensure that trips suit the experience of the members and the prevailing conditions at the time, and that they have adequate equipment. The club role is one of advisor, but not instructor.

Statement of General Policy

Cambridge University Hillwalking Club is strongly committed to encouraging our members to take part, whilst seeking to ensure that the health, well-being and safety of each individual is managed effectively and that the safety of all external parties is considered and managed.

Safety Responsibilities and Arrangements


Officer Responsible

Specific Safety Arrangements

General oversight of club safety management


Safety and Equipment Officer

Undertake regular, recorded risk assessment of the club premises and all activities undertaken by the club.

Create a safe environment by putting health and safety measures in place as identified by the assessment.

Ensure that the implementation of the policy is reviewed regularly and monitored for effectiveness (as a minimum once per year at the AGM).

Clear communication with club members on safety matters


Safety and Equipment Officer


Ensure that all members are given the appropriate level of training by regularly assessing individual ability depending on age, maturity and development.

Ensure that all members are aware of, understand and follow the club’s health and safety policy. 

Ensure that club members are able to raise safety concerns.

Ensure that normal operating procedures and emergency operating procedures are in place and known by all members.

Effective continuous management of safety arrangements

Safety and Equipment Officer


Appoint a competent club member to assist with health and safety responsibilities.

Review safety procedures, arrangements and information at committee meetings.

Provide appropriate mitigation control measures for injuries

Safety and Equipment Officer

Provide access to adequate first aid facilities, telephone and qualified first aider at all times.

Report any injuries or accidents sustained during any club activity or incidents that may have led to injury/ill health whilst on the club premises to the Sports Service and investigate when necessary.

Uphold a culture that supports the safety policy

All club members

Take reasonable care for your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do or not do.

Co-operate with the club on health and safety issues.

Correctly use all equipment provided by the club.

Not interfere with or misuse anything provided for your health, safety or welfare.

Ensure that Equipment is safe


Safety and Equipment Officer

Maintain equipment inventory.

Ensure that statutory equipment inspections are carried out, and that pre-use inspections are carried out and recorded at least quarterly.

Ensure that all damaged equipment is marked and or quarantined and disposed of as soon as possible. 

It may be that several sections of the above table may be covered by one person, but the roles should be shared out as much as is practicable and effective within the club committee, to avoid a single point of failure and overloading individuals and to ensure appropriate input from individuals.

The template above is modified from the Health and Safety Executive and Sport England Guidance on developing a safety policy document. Clubs who use this template should make changes, additions and omissions from this template as necessary and in accordance with the clubs own circumstances and arrangements.

Last updated 2023-09